Test AI-based arguments
Note that anyone who is also testing can analyze your recordings in incognito mode. In test mode, recordings are limited. Please register for additional features.
Guide to our AI-based ARGUE.ORG software
Login: test@argue.org Password:TEST - just log in, you will see:
Choose your language setup
Please select the language of the recording and also the output language of the arguments, any combination is possible.
Start recording
Just click start.
Receive arguments during recording
Be patient, you have to wait 15 seconds - a countdown will help. Just press ARGUE to start our AI-based reasoning..
After you click “ARGUE”, we will send your recorded conversation to ChatGPT/LLama2. When you stop recording, we will automatically send the last part of your conversation.
After a few secounds you will see during your recording:
1. A summary of your conversation
2. Arguments for it
3. Arguments against it
4. Quotes that describe the conversation best
5. Keywords related to your conversation that were NOT mentioned
Stop the entire conversation and sum it up
At the end you can stop the recording and get a summary for later.